Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Chef Yang Daan Mogot Baru

Discount 50% always make me wanna try new food ,even if its location is quite faraway. With my 400k (bought only 198k) worth voucher, i brought my family to Chef Yang, a chinese restaurant located at Daan Mogot Baru, near Mal Matahari there, besides KFC Coffee there. Must say it's not a good location to go commercial, i think their targets are the residents inside Daan Mogot Baru and Citra Garden.

As you can see the place is quite nice from outside, and inside too when i entered the restaurant. Spacey and so eclectic, good interior with horse statue and cherry blossom tree at the center of the room. They have direct access door  to KFC, and this resto actually has second floor which is more private,but it's closed. maybe when we came it's not crowded at all,just 3 customers there. Thats why they need to promote via Living Social (daily deals website),good decision because i tried this place knowing from that website too.

Seeing the menu, i can say the innovation is negative, so many menu with the same sauce,such as lemon sauce chicken,lemon sauce beef,lemon sauce fish..well make more sauce please... So with my 400k voucher, i order quite a lot menu because the price here is quite reasonable,around 20-40k something. The have 4 variants of dimsum: hakau,somay,chasiopao, and chicken feet. I order everything in menu,you can see the table is full. he waitress is kind, they help me in order to my orders not exceed than 400k..Nice!
Full table
Kailan Garlic,Little Yang,Cheese Ravioli, Chasiopao,Hakau,Sapo Tahu,Spring Roll
Soy milk in Little Yang package
This is what i order & the real price:
Sweet n Sour chicken 31.818
Orange Fish 31818
Vegetable delight 22727
Sapo Tahu Alacarte 22727
Braised beancurd 22727
Kailan Garlic 18181
Chow mein 18181
3 plate Dimsum Hakau 46362
Siomay 15454
Fungjeow(chicken feet) 15454
Cheese Ravioli (pangsit) 9090
2 Spring Roll@3pcs 18180
Shrimpbag 13636
2 Nestea 16 oz 16362 (they served with plastic glass like a fast food,oh so bad)
Little Yang 22727 (i like this package, rice top with mayo fried chicken,soymilk, and mango cream)

The taste is quite so so,nothing special much, but with the reasonable price and good ambience, i definitely will come back!
FYI: They have egg tart 9k/piece,and you have to try the mango cream, delicious!

Daan Mogot
Jl. Tampak Siring Raya No. 4
Perumahan Daan Mogot Baru 11840
Kalideres - Jakarta Barat
Next to KFC
(021) 290 28995

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Seafood at Pondok Laguna

clockwise: Tahu Kipas-Gurame Saus Thai-Kelapa Muda-Cumi bakar
For my Grandpa 78th birthday, my big family decide to have some new restaurants, rutinity of dimsum make them choose Pondok Laguna as the one this year. Because of the rush, i didnt capture the ambience of the place, so just let me describe it. This restaurant logo is a huge fish with text Pondok Laguna above, so if you pass the road you will notice. The traditional style is interior in this restaurant. We pick the 1st floor, i think such a big mistake because the weather is  so hot and the fan here cant win the heat. We ate with pouring sweat whole over body. I suggest if you come her before sunsets, you must pick the second floor, there's a private room with air conditioner.
The menu book has no price unfortunately. So you must ask when you order.
Well for the food, i rate overall 7 of 10.  Thanks for the Tahu Kipas that is so delicious with mixed vegetables and big prawn, so crunchy but tasty. I by myself ate 4 Tahu. FYI 1 portion=4 fried tahu kipas.
As for the Gurame Saus Thai,  taste great but not unique. And the squid-cumi bakar- was so tough to chew.
We also ordered Fried Squid/Cumi Goreng Tepung, Kale/Kangkung, Fish Head Curry, Grilled Chicken, Kepa/Kerang Kepa, Karedok, and Satay.. Unfortunately again no picture because when the food came, my family  was in quick action to grab the food..:D
Thanks Grandpa... Happy Birthday!

The Birthday Cake from Harvest, the staff mispelled the GRANDPA
Pondok Laguna Restaurant
 Jalan Batu Tulis Raya St. No. 45
Kebon Kelapa Village, Gambir District
Central Jakarta City, 10120 

ph: 021-3459991 // 021-3841958

Minggu, 30 September 2012

Some sweet tooth..or teeth?

Clockwise: Bolu Meranti-Bolu Blueberry-Almond Cookie-Street Milk Pie/Eggtart
Sugracrave? I think so.. Lots of sweet tooth for me this weekend..Quite dangerous for my purpose to go on a little bit tiny tiny diet..:P
Do you know Bolu Meranti? Its a South Sumatra popular gifts. Almost everytime when friends or family went to Medan, they will brought this cake. This week my uncle brought this popular cake to us, the box is quite ordinary for design,like some traditional one, but the cake is big portion,about 30cm roll cake per box. The taste well just ordinary, luckily not too sweet, the texture is soft and the filling is in a lot of variant. Mine is blueberry jam. I dont know why it's so popular because the taste is really ordinary.
Almond Cookie: I got this from coworker birthday.. Ordinary!
Milk pie/egg tart? Cant decide..But it tasted good, only about 2k per piece, I bought it at Bridge :D

Selasa, 25 September 2012

Make your own Marinara Sauce

I always love pasta! Mostly i used spagetti or fettuccine for the pasta.
And do you know what the most important of pasta? You answer a good sauce? That's right. If you have a good sauce, no extra topping needed like meat, chicken, or cheese. It's delicious enough.
Well tonight i've been on my first trial to make some sauce for my pasta. Why bothered you ask? Well, most of the pasta sauce sold in market are mixed with beef inside already, well i am as a 'beefegetarian' has to try harder to find a way to get a good pasta sauce. Well my recipes below even its my first trial it actually tasted so good, i even licked till my bowl's clean.:p
Here are my recipes:
Marinara Sauce
My Homemade Marinara Sauce
Ingredients (serving for 3-4 plates):
- 4 fresh tomatoes (pulverize in blender)
- half of onion, cut up
- 3 cloves of garlic, cut up
- olive oil
- salt and pepper
- black pepper
- dried basil and oregano
- starch/sago, mixed with water
- 1 spoonful chili and tomato sauce
- 1 spoonful sugar
- dried/ minced fresh parsley
- minced chicken (optional)
- minced champignon mushroom (optional)

How to make it:
1. Stir-fry olive oil with onion and garlic, wait till shriveled. If wanna some flavour, add the chicken/mushroom after it.
2. After that mixed every other ingredients into it, and wait till boils. Then add starch/sago a little bit to condense the sauce. Remember to stir it fast when you add the starch/sago to prevent it coagulate in your sauce.
3. The sauce is yummy ready to be served with your pasta.

If you doesnt like the tomato flavour? All you have to do is add some parmesan cheese and a little bit fresh milk into it to make the sauce more creamy. This is what it looks like, Salty Marinara Sauce.
Tomato flavour is blend with cheese
Well to be practical, you can bottled the sauce and refrigerate it. Can stand up to 1 week for express eating when your tummy is calling for another pasta.

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Big Feast

I just wanna share the Chinese feast i had in home..It's good to be home you know. Foods are just splendid,  like this image below. Mouth watering right? There are :
1.Big plate of appetizer consist of prawn, grilled duck, pork tongue, ten thousand years egg, and pork sausage.
2. Steamed Fish (Topping with ginger, shitake, chili and special sauce)
3. Pork Intestines and Scallop
4. Fried Oat and Salty Yolk Prawn

5. Champignon Mushrooms with Asparagus
6. Kuenek/Gohyong (Minced pork, prawn, fish and crab rolled in fried tofu skin).

When i will eat something like this again? Next year? Omooo, i missed them.I think i have to learn cooking from my mother soon, i'll let you know the recipe for all of them when i learn it..:D
The Feast

Italian Homemade Ice Cream

Ragusa since 1932
Banana Split (where's the banana?)

narsisctic me
other streetstall foods, not from ragusa
This place is one of popular local homemade ice cream, located at Jl.Veteran 1 no.10,Jakarta, Ragusa has been there since 1932. It is said Traditional Italian Ice Cream, so we wanna tried it. Actually quite a long time i went here but i wanna let you know so this is it..
The place is near the Kota Tua/Fatahilah, and you can find this traditionnaly interior shop is crowded by guests. They said its no preservatives, well lets try. We ordered lots of ice cream like the pict above, i'm sorry i already forgot the name since it's been quite a long time.
But for review, i still remembering the taste. For 4 ice cream above, the texture is light, too easy melted, not too creamy, it's just refreshing. I cant said it's special, well it's homemade okay, so let's just accept it like some Pondan-made. Price is around 10-26k. They also give mineral water for free, jsut ordinary cold water i dont know how but it tastes so good, cool, pure, not like water i drink everyday. Like it..
My friend also ordered some traditional crackers with peanut sauce from the street outside Ragusa, about 10k, they said it's great but for me just ordinary.
If you ask will i come again to Ragusa,well i wont refuse but dont come here with high hope or you will be dissapointed :D

Ragusa Italian Ice Cream
Jl. Veteran I no.10
Jakarta Pusat

Dulang Resto

Indonesian food is rich of herbs and spices, i am lucky to be here and surrounded by them.
When i went to Puncak the other day, i and my friends were on jammed in traffice so we decided to fill out tummy with food first before going home.
We try Dulang Resto, never heard it before? So did I. But we just tried, also thanks to my credit card, we get 30% discount (min trans 150k).
This is the place, so naturally blended, Javanese theme with the mini pendopo and Javanese interior.
There are 3 tables with umbrella side of the river, i want to sit there, but full of other guest, Everyone is also interested to sit there huh..
Then we ordered 4 menu, hot plate chicken kale, chili anchovies, tradiotional oncom, and special Dulang grilled chicken, but sorry for the chicken it's on the way to our tummy before i capture it.So this it what i have an opportunity to capture.
hot plate chicken kale

Chili Anchovies and Oncom
The taste of the menu is great, even the oncom, so hott (usually i didnt like it), but the special chicken (no pic) is rather ordinary. Along with 4 plates of rice and 4 traditional crackera, we spend only 125k (after discount). Worth it! :D

Dulang Restaurant
Jl. Raya Puncak Tugu Km. 83,7
Cisarua, Bogor 
Ph (0251) 825-9072