Selasa, 25 September 2012

Make your own Marinara Sauce

I always love pasta! Mostly i used spagetti or fettuccine for the pasta.
And do you know what the most important of pasta? You answer a good sauce? That's right. If you have a good sauce, no extra topping needed like meat, chicken, or cheese. It's delicious enough.
Well tonight i've been on my first trial to make some sauce for my pasta. Why bothered you ask? Well, most of the pasta sauce sold in market are mixed with beef inside already, well i am as a 'beefegetarian' has to try harder to find a way to get a good pasta sauce. Well my recipes below even its my first trial it actually tasted so good, i even licked till my bowl's clean.:p
Here are my recipes:
Marinara Sauce
My Homemade Marinara Sauce
Ingredients (serving for 3-4 plates):
- 4 fresh tomatoes (pulverize in blender)
- half of onion, cut up
- 3 cloves of garlic, cut up
- olive oil
- salt and pepper
- black pepper
- dried basil and oregano
- starch/sago, mixed with water
- 1 spoonful chili and tomato sauce
- 1 spoonful sugar
- dried/ minced fresh parsley
- minced chicken (optional)
- minced champignon mushroom (optional)

How to make it:
1. Stir-fry olive oil with onion and garlic, wait till shriveled. If wanna some flavour, add the chicken/mushroom after it.
2. After that mixed every other ingredients into it, and wait till boils. Then add starch/sago a little bit to condense the sauce. Remember to stir it fast when you add the starch/sago to prevent it coagulate in your sauce.
3. The sauce is yummy ready to be served with your pasta.

If you doesnt like the tomato flavour? All you have to do is add some parmesan cheese and a little bit fresh milk into it to make the sauce more creamy. This is what it looks like, Salty Marinara Sauce.
Tomato flavour is blend with cheese
Well to be practical, you can bottled the sauce and refrigerate it. Can stand up to 1 week for express eating when your tummy is calling for another pasta.

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