Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Childhood memory at Bogor

Bogor Time! I was invited by my friends to join them to Bogor. She had emphasize that i have to try the Pork Noodles there, it;s her fav since her childhood. I'm sooorrry i forget the name of resto ><
When we get there at 10 am, we rather hesitated is the place open or not,because the door was closed. After we parked and walk in front of the door ,yes it's open. YEAYYY...
The place is quite okay for 12 years old resto, bright and clean.
We seat and the waiters give us menu, First question: Where is the Pork Noodles? Nonee.. My friend need to be *punched* grin* huahahaha.. At the end we pick Chicken Yamin Noodles. Yamin means the noodle will be mixed with sweet soy sauce, but if you dont like sweet you always can choose the plain one.
We also order Fried Pangsit & Pork Meat Ball.
This is our orders.

This is my review:
The Yamin Chicken Noodle, too sweett omoo..I have to add some salty sauce and chili sauce to neutralize the sweet.. Even i ate till empty bowl,but i almost stop at middle of eating because of the sweetness, dear chef you have to minimize the use of sweet soy sauce. Portion is big size, you better share with your friend.

The Pangsit, so so, no sauce too bad, i have to use sauce for the meatball. But they fry it perfectly.

The Pork Meatball, yes there is sauce fortunately. It deep fried, a little too crispy at skin, and not soft inside. Another dissapoinment? Yes i have to say..

So my friends need some improvement in her taste for noodles, In Jakarta there are so many grat noodles that you have to try like Bakmi Aloy at Grogol,  Tiongsim Noodle at Ravino PIK, Stall Noodle named Tenda Biru at Untar Side Street, and so many moree..
This one, nehh...:P

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