Minggu, 23 September 2012

Cooking Time :Teriyaki Chiken

Another cooking time : Teriyaki Chicken!
I love the teriyaki chicken at Hoka-Hoka Bento, dunno how they make it but this time i tried,still not the same taste..
Homemad Teriyaki Chicken

Here the recipe:
- chicken fillet
- onion,sliced thick
- minced garlic
- soy sauce
- sweet soy sauce
- sesame seed
- japanese soy sauce
- apple vinegar
- salt and pepper
- flour 1 tbs

How to cook:
Little bit olive oil with onion, mixed for awhile and separate it, you want the onion to be still crunchy.
Then  sautee the garlic, chicken, all sauce,salt n pepper, and after the chicken is ready, pour the half-cook onion.. Sprinkle some sesame seed, it will be a good flavour, and last flout to thicken the sauce..
Tadaa teriyaki chicken is reasy! I think i have to fry the chicken first before to get the Hokben taste?
Dunno,later i will try to get the same taste..Aja aja fighting...:D

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