Minggu, 23 September 2012

Who screams for ice creamm?

How do you feel about Ice cream? The cold sweet milky creamy thing? Who doesnt like it huh..
Me? I am completely in love with ice cream..
So many of ice cream shops in the city, but i just love Cold Stone..
From Disdus Voucher Package

Strawberry Ice Cream with Chocolate Waffle (50k +9k for addtional Waffle)

First one is the duo package from waht i bought from Disdus. a great deal for about 55k i got 2 this delicious ice cream.  I just love how the cookie crumble and strawberry ice cream are mixed, base of glass is berry sauce, topped with fresh strawberry, great sensation.  Then on the plate a crunchy waffle and 4 scoops ice cream: strawberry, choco, mocca and a mini glass of coffee. I dont know what the coffe used to, i just drink it,tasteless,,muahahahahah..maybe it's a mistake to just drink it.

Second image is 1 cup of strawberry ice cream, mixed with cookie crumble and nougat. Gotta love it portion means BIG and literally i just love it! Thanks to my friend Bochan who gave me the coupon 50k from MAP so i can enjoy this free (only pay for waffle)..:D

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