Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Mud Cake at Manhattan Fish Market

"There is always room for dessert". 
Have you heard that statement? Huahaha i quite agree with that. Anytime i'm full but if someone offers me dessert, i will never refuse,That can be said my weak part :D I'm always craving for sweets,desserts,cake,omoooo...
Visiting the Manhattan Fish Market, i didnt order the main course, but straight to the dessert..Becaus of thin wallet, the meals here are not price-friendly if i may say.. So i will just try what i want to,the cake.

This time i will let you know one of -i dont know if this can be said- MUD CAKE..because this is typically chocolate ice cream with cake or brownies.
Served in small plate, the mud cake is getting some chocolate sauce and nut sprinkle for better looks..You have to eat it fast because like i said before, it's ice cream..It will melt soon so i try it as soon as it came. FIrst bite,omoo..How to describe, it's sticky for ice cream texture, the chocolate is rich,and the cake is so moist,blend perfectly wiith the ice cream..I goota say i love itttt... Price about 24k,still okay because it taste so good. I will come back again if you ask..:D

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